Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Prehistoric. Homo Erectus 1

Four pathways.

Four pathways were all that the tribe of Damaa made, there had been more, 
but they were gone and now only four remained.

There had been a time when Damaa had been a part of many pathways and his father had guided the Tribe of Maa, but he was impatient to rule and could not wait for his father's path to stop. 
Damaa has returned from the Hunt full of heart and breath from the kill and he had challenged his father for control of the tribe. 
But Maa was still strong, the hearts and breaths of many kills within him, and Damaa was beaten and his plans undone.
Maa has been merciful and had forgiven his impetus son but Damaa could not forgive nor bare the shame so in the dark he had called his hunting Hand to him and left...

the start of my  Homo Erectus tribe was a chance Facebook acquisition and was bought to give me some practice for my other tribes but the figures have such character I have decided to expand them into a full tribe. The figures are four of a five pieces set made by the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company and are currently OOP but they are planning on bringing them back.

Damaa wields a hand axe and jawbone.

Painted collection to date


  1. Wow, beautiful stuff! That look into the cave with all the bones is awesome!

    1. Thanks, if i have a game I have to do some terrain for it. Was messing around and acyually came out quite well
