Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Ion Age 28. Hades legion 1

It was sun time by the planetary rotation but the dust clouds that wrapped the city kept everything in endless dusk. The orbital bombardment that had heralded Hades Legions' arrival had reduced Oxen City to rubble, they had not come to colonise but to remove, to sweep away in preparation for the Khanates return.  
The Malig Ordos divisions were the first to make planetfall, Drop Spears falling from the sky and digging deep, like pins to a map, securing Hades to the world.
Captain Myroc signaled his Tesseran forward, it had already lost two troopers to PFD fire but was determined not to lose momentum. He served the Legion with pride, but it did not suffer failure well and he would see his orders fulfilled no matter the cost. 
Rifle and pistol hummed into life and the Hades line moved forward again, white uniforms blossoming to red and falling to the grey earth.

Continuing with working through by 28mm Ion Age miniatures,  I picked up with the Malig Space Goblins. These were sculpted by Bob Olley and show his usual style, personality and attention to detail, some of these remind me of his original Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor sculpts.
The Maligs have been painted in the purple livery of Hades Legion like their 15mm counterparts.

Three troopers armed with Juno Laser rifles and a Cupid Laser Pistol. I painted the end of the pistol in off white to give the impression it was a ceramic material

A Malig officer with twin Cupid laser pistol and two more troopers armed with a Cupid Laser Pistol and a Juno laser rifle

Group shot. 

Maligs supported by Metaborg Proauctor Belial

Scout elements of Hades Legion encounter Lithic Assumption forces within the ruins of Oxen City


  1. Beautiful stuff! Never saw the 28mm versions until now.

    1. Thanks, I have seen a some of the Retained Knights painted up but not Shia Khan, spearheading a 28mm revival! 28mm Shia Khan legion next!
