Sunday 7 July 2024

Zenith 7. Captain Hornet and Typhoon Tracy

 Two more Superheroes for my Zenith Project.

Both of these have been created using Eldritch Foundry which I am finding has been a  fantastic tool to bring many of the characters to life.

Typhoon Tracy

I played with the file to stretch him out to add more bulk and added a wrist band using paper

Typhoon Tracy from the comic Hurricane

Typhoon Tracy amongst the gathering of Superheroes in Zenith

Capatin Hornet

A costumed adventurer, Captain Hornet stared in his own comic book, though in the Zenith universe he only has a brief moment as a casualty. I was able to match him up quite well using Eldritch Foundry, his jacket is different at the front but matches up to the spirit of him. The Hornet Hoverer would be a great addition, as iconic as the Batmobile or Niteowls Owlship, but something for the future possibily!

Captain Hornets body in the wreak of his Hornet Hoverer

Captain Hornet

Saturday 6 July 2024

Zenith 6. General Jumbo

 General Jumbo is next on my Zenith Project, he is only a child and does not have any superpowers but fought badies/solved crime by having an army of remote control toys.  

In Zenith he only has a couple of background appearances as part of one of the groups assembled to defend one of the parallels and then later he is shown dead.

The General is one of younger 'heroes' drafted into the conflict, pulled in as part of including as many characters as possible but also adds to the tragedy of the story, the desperation of recruiting this level of 'Hero' to try and stop the llogor.  

General Jumbo and his remote control army

General Jumbo collectable figure

General Jumbo in Zenith

For my version of General Jumbo I created the initial figure using Eldritch Foundry online creator and then redued his size compared to the other figures to give him his child stature. I gave him the remote control form the Zenith version rather than the wrist control and used a file I found on Thingiverse. 
His appearance is more his classic version as well as his tie which I added to the figure with a bit of paper. For his remote control toys I used some ww2 tanks and soldiers from files on Thingiverse

General Jumbo and his army

General Jumbo between to Triman and Masterman

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Zenith 5. Masterman and Robot Archie

 Zenith 4. Masterman and Robot Archie

More progress on my Zenith project with two more characters, Robot archie and my first villian, Masterman!

The sculpt for Masterman is from Attica Games.  

Attica Games

Masterman vs Maximan


Robot Archie

The Archie sculpt is a 3D print from a design by Random Miniatures on Patreon

The original a Robot Archie was portrayed with silver and then red plate. With his appearance in Zenith adding details to show his love of House Music and match him up with the other superheroes in the team Black Flag which he was now part of.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Zenith 4. The Blue Wizard and Tanya

 The completion of my first Superhero group within my Zenith Project, the Amazing Three!

I had already added Oakman who I picked up from Attica Games (as Timbre) and found that one fo the digital Patreons I subscribe to, Random Miniatures had released a set inspired by the Defenders of the Earth. The figure of Mandrake is a great fit for the Blue Wizard. For the final member, Tanya, I have used Eldritch Foundry figure creator with some GS to create her hair

The Amazing Three in Zenith, Blue Wizard and Tanya standing in the middle of the left group

The Blue Wizard


The Return of the Amazing Three!

Sunday 21 January 2024

Relics. Britanan 2024 Review

With the new year and the annoucment by TTcombat that they will be restocking the Relics range and promoting the game I have decided to go through by collection and tally up what I have. This will give me a chance to plan some painting and see what gaps there are to fill and what better faction to start than the Britanans! 

My Britanans are a mixture of old Tor Gaming and Ebay joblots so some still carry the paintwork from previous owners and represent quite a eclectic mix


Including the one I have painted and the limited Edition issue I have found myself with  9 Sergeant Majors!
The sculpts are a step up in character detail from the standard troopers. They are a nice opportunity for personalisation with multiple weapon options and a nice open waistcoat that could be individually patterned. 


Including the unit i have painted I have 4 units of Troopers. Nine pupperts strong, the Trooper unit is the main force for the Britanans. I plan on painting/repainting two for my main army, oen as a standard unit and one with a headswap fro one of the Maverick Boys so they look moire like 18th Century Marines to use with the Ship/landing party
The last one will be for the breakaway Continental force which will be with blue jackets

Grenadier Troopers 
With the painted units I have five units of Grenadiers of three figures each plan on keeping all of these for the main army though I might see how they look with a headswap to addd them to the Continental force

The unit comes with six figures but I seem to have a couple extra which I am going to use for a highland themed Colour Party. As I live in Cornwall I might use a Cornish Tartan

Colour Party

Two colour party sets which I will works with eh 18th Century British army tradtio of two flags for each regiment, one for the Kings Colours and one for the Regiment. One will have the Britanan Crown and needles and teh other I will come up with  for the regiment ( and a name for the Regiment!)


These come as unit of two, not sure if i have lost one or just had an extra in one of the job lots I picked up. Plan on painting one unit for each army, not sure about the extra one yet


In the lore the Britanans were originally a human race that appear loosely based on mid 17th Century England but with access to magic.  A great calamity befell the world before the game is set and killed  off the majority of humans which is why they have used puppets for their forces. Some humans have survived and the Puppeters are described as broke survivors touched by madness.  


Two Units which I had started to put together when I was finishing off the Heavy Dragoons.
The paint scheme for these units will be based on the British Dragoons that were featured in the film The Patriot. One will be the fictional uniform and the other from the real regiment. 
Fielding these and the Heavy Cavalry will make quite a glorious Charge!

I plan on getting another unit of Dragoons and switching their heads for those from the Maverick Boys for my breakaway independent puppet Faction, the Continentals. 

Hunting Dogs, Ltd Edition Sergeant-Major and St Nik

A pack of 4 hounds but no huntmaster but could convert one of the Sergeant-Majors into one. One of the limited Edition Sergeant-Majors which has been TTCombats only new release so far, though they had showcased several other Britanans a couple of years ago which hope to see released! 
The last one is one of the OOP Mercenaries, St Nik of which I already have one painted. 

The base for an terrain/feature piece is a Fisherprice ship. As the Britanans are a island race all there interactiosn with the wider world must be via ships to the mainlanad. My plan is to convert this into a Bermuda Sloop inspired Britanan ship and man it with one of the trooper units.

Wooden Fort

This started out as a Medieval fort kit from Zvezda Models and the inital build and conversion I have posted elsewhere on the blog. Its about done, will add some ivy, a new front gate and some banners to fly the Kings colours. 

Painted Britanan Experditionary Force



1st Trooper Unit


1st Heavy Dragoons. The Life Guard

2nd Heavy Dragoons. The Blues and Royals