Wednesday 28 October 2020

Prehistoric. Homo Erectus 2

 Nine Pathways

The hand of Kura had been tracking Damaa for many days. Five had been sent by Maa to find his son and bring him home, the People were not as many as they once were and as the world changed around them and Others had been seen the Greater pathway was no longer clear.

Durr, the tribes Elder who remembered the Way behind and could see the Way ahead, had seen the place for Damaa on the tribes pathway and he could not be lost or all would be lost

Five more Homo Erectus have been added to the tribe. 

Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company which makes the figures only has five in the range but the they use good quality metal so they can be repositioned to add some variety and several of them have been given spears.

The hunting hand of Kura

The Tribe of Damaa

I have ordered another set and plan on using them to finish a second hand with spears and use the other three to make some females 

In preparation for using them with some games I have put together some fire and burnt tokens 

I have also acquired my first Mammoth. This was a toy that has been based and repainted.

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