With the completion of the Orcnar village I have been able to resume work on the troops and move towards and a fully painted force. To add some range attacks to the Orcnar I have added one unit of Spatga. I picked up one Spatga as part of a job lot and in the first edition the unit was a single figure rather than two so I made a second figure using Instamold and GS as they can only be bought in twos now.The figures have been painted up with a change from the Unmann and Eotans but with similar earthy tones to keep a unified look.
Spatga will launch long range vomit attacks. They will be overfed and bloated before battles which is why they do not wear the usual tribal stones
To add some more range I have added the Grymman. The Grymman sculpts have a real sense of character and as they are mainly multipart which gives them an opportunity for conversion and reposing. The figures remind me of Gremlins and I had originally intended to paint them an a similar way, but found that they did not fit in with the wider colour scheme so after looking over the figures again I settled on a pattern based on Hyenas which seemed to suit the figures and character far better

The original Grey Grymman just before they fell to Ridend Knights
The finished Grymman pack.
Because of their hyperactive nature, the Grymman do not wear any tribal stone. Their sonic scream attacks tend to shatter any stones they wear over time as well!
The completed Stone Branch so far. Next is to finish off the Unmann and Docga units and bring them up to full strength before I start on the Beorns.
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