The Lithic Assumption, the start of background material for my interplanetary realm. This will be an independent creation that draws on the Alternative Armies Ion Age universe but will give me a setting that I can fit into any game system like Rogue Trader
The Lithic Assumption
Nearly 400 years ago the Ark ship Monolith discovered the Myra system and a fertile mineral-rich planet which would become known as Junction.
Initial sketch of the Monolith
As exploratory data came into the command deck the news was met with mixed reactions. The ships commander, Captain Nico Argos saw only a waypoint on a journey of exploration that still had uncharted regions before it. His second was Navigator Elizabeta Spyre, she saw an end to their journey and petitioned to stop and settle.
The discovery of Junction had divided the crew and following weeks of deliberations and increasing tensions between the Spacer faction led by Captain Argos and the Lander faction led by Navigator Spyre, it was decided to divide the ship's resources to support the Landers while the Monolith would continue to into the uncharted territories. The Landers were frustrated they could not use the vast resource of the Monolith itself but agreed to the compromise, though many were secretly relieved as they had grown fond and loyal to the great ship that had been their world for so long.
With any territory under its control being 'Assumed and taking the crews common abbreviation of the Monolith, the Lith, the planet was the first to be declared part of the newly founded Lithic Assumption.
With any territory under its control being 'Assumed and taking the crews common abbreviation of the Monolith, the Lith, the planet was the first to be declared part of the newly founded Lithic Assumption.
Monolith City was founded and over the following centuries, the Colony thrived and expanded, first over Junction and then back out into the stars and control two more star systems.
When contact was made with the Prydian Precinct the Lithic Assumption was initially cautious when faced with the armoured delegation but following negotiations, an alliance was formed and the Lithic Assumption became a semi-autonomous part of the Prydian Precinct.
The Spyre family received the Baronial decree and Constann became the first Baron of the Lithic Assumption.
With the outbreak of Civil war. Baron Constann made a declaration of support for Princess Daphne and that the Lithic Assumption would remain neutral in the conflict. Defending its borders from any aggressors but would offer humanitarian aid to either faction. Prydian forces garrisoned within the Assumption were given leave to return to the Precinct or remain which many did and took the colours of the Realm.

15mm Retained Knight in LA livery
The more aggressive Spacer faction have pushed for allying with one league and taking advantage of the conflict to expand Assumption holdings and influence while some elements have even gone so far to form a Condot company from their Prefecture troops and have fought under the name of the Lithic Free Company.
Colours of the Lithic Assumption
Geography :
Junction was named after initial pics of the planet showed a globe covered in crisscrossed lines like a train station junction. When planetfall was made it was discovered that the planet was covered in a series of mountain ranges and long valleys. Following a huge asteroid strike during the formation of the planet a particularly large number of tectonic plates were formed which has led to very mountainous regions. There are high levels of mineral deposits and fertile valley soil
Monolith City is the site of the original colony landing and was found within the remains of a huge crater and one of the largest open areas on the main continent.
Monolith City is the seat of governance for the Lithic Assumption and of the ruling Spyre Family
Weather in Junction varies greatly between the valley base and top regions. Temperate bases and areas of high wind above which can make travel difficult and led to the development of specialist flyers designed to deal with travelling at low levels and often narrow valleys
Lithic Assumption, it has dominion over three stellar systems
Myra star – 4th planet Junction and its moons Anvil and Echo. 5th Planet Redsea
Bellandri Star – 2nd Planet Margrave and its moon Counter
Settis Star – 1 planet Fate . Mining colony
The political structure is centralised with the Planetary Baron and First Minister supported by two houses. the House of Law and the House of Prefects. The House of Law is composed of lawyers and appointees of the First Minister who review and ratify laws from the House of Prefects. The House of Prefects is formed of Prefects who govern and represent each of the Prefectures which make up the Lithic Assumption.
The office of First Minister has been in the hands of the family of Navigator Elizabeta Spyre.
Within the political system, there are two loose political groupings, named after the original settlement factions, the Spacers and Landers. Spacer Prefects tend to be more aggressive and expansionists and are usually from the more urban Prefectures. Lander Prefects are usually from the more rural and industrial Prefectures and lean toward more peaceful and welfare-based policies and priorities and tend to be more isolationist.
Expeditionary detachment from the Monolith
(Figures from a foray into 15mm several years ago. Now unfortunately sold)
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