Tuesday 24 July 2018

Relics. Twigs, Troopers and St Nik

It has been quite a while since my last post. Work has been very demanding and the majority of my scant hobby time has been spent on woodwork for the Orcnar stockade 

The remaining walls completed with the front parts to make a breached wall section.
To celebrate 

Spiked gateway 

To celebrate the assembly I finished off the Britanan St Nik character and a test trooper ( i had already had too much brown and needed a change!)

I had considered painting in lines to give a stronger canvas affect but settled on a simpler  style to give more focus on the stitching

Painted in standard Red and white, I plan on giving other units different coloured edging to the jackets and cuffs

St Nik was a fun figure to paint, loads of detail on his face and real sense of movement to the sculpt as he swings his bag of bits around

Next will be the grand browning of the Stockade walls and then to alternate between Orcnar and Britanan units for a bit to bring them up to the same strength as my C'thu.


  1. Oh wow that gate and fences looks great!

  2. Thanks, it has been very time consuming scavenging all the wood and trimming them but really happy with the more primitive final look
