Fangor waited, the tent lay in shreds and broken barrels and other debris surrounded him in a wide circle while his guards stood far away and tried to avoid his attention.

He was not good at waiting.
The Vile Rune Tribe had answered the summons of King F'yar and were gathering in the mountains above Kachas Pass. Fangor and his bodyguard had arrived ahead of the main army to enlist the aid of the rock giant Guthrum Mane, who was now sleeping off the effects of several barrels fang or had missed, and to scout out the area with a unit of hired Half-Orcs who had mapped the best route through the pass and also succeeded in wiping out a force of elves on the way.
Fangor sick of the sight his own boredom marched out to the edge of the camp and looked out towards the mountain pass that led back to the tribes territory, hoping to see the rest of his boyz.
His lack of patience was finally rewarded as he picked up the faint chant of the Vile Rune marching roar and as it got louder the rust tinged cloud of the column on the road appeared and eventually gave way to the red and green ranks of the Vile Rune Tribe
The first ten Vile Rune Orcs are finished and have given me a good template for the rest. along with the rusted and dirty metal I wanted to go for very muted and earthy colours, different browns and dark leathers.
The Orcs are all metal and span across the ages, the variety and differences in size should give a real mob feel.
Hard to pick a favourite but so far it is the old long faced Orc with the gladiator style armour and torn off ear.

I had a couple of attempts at the Vile Rune screaming skull but my freehand just isn't up to it and it and the design was just too bright and stuck out compared to the rest of the figure. I had contemplated a version based on the newer Orc Glyph style but it didn't fit in with the vintage of the scenario so i have settled on using the Runes from the command sheet banner turned out well.
Completed Vile Rune Tribe and allies so far
(30 more to go!)
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