Saturday, 23 September 2017

Orcnar. Terrain 1

As part of my Relics plan I want to build a set of race specific terrain as I work through the figures.
For the Orcnar I have drawn from the concept sketches that were posted by Tor Gaming and have decided on

Set of Mud huts
Stone Shrine/ trophy mound based on the Orcnar Objective
Wooden village wall
Docga enclosure

Starting with the Mud huts I used some children food bowls, these would fit on CD bases (my go to size ) and had enough curvature, and the card inside from sellotape for the half built huts.

Scaled up with an Unmann

Huts covered in NoMoreNails to add mud texture

Sand and stone added with PVA glue

Bark pieces that will form the stone of the trophy shrine with glyphs carved in


  1. Really ace terrain build so far Ben! I like the carved glyphs man, they're Boss! Excellent stuff mate :)

    1. Thanks! I am running a bit short on time to paint figures at the moment so terrain is a little easier to pick up and do a bit
