Monday 21 August 2017

Tzeentch. Thosim Farsight

Cast out because of his visions of battle and blood, the Dwarf Thosim was lost unto the wilderness until the Great Changer revealed Himself unto Thosim and brought him peace. A pact was struck and the Changer took him eyes that he might see clearly his visions, his inner eye open to what will be not what is. Thosim now moves into his sight and into alignment.
His great axe and eye brought into service to our Church.

                                             The Cerulean Ledger. Church of Transmogrification

I have the bad habit of starting to many projects, and planning many more in my head, though this might just be that I don't have time to do all that want or can imagine!
Some of the ideas get written down, to picked up a some point maybe, and others I start to gather in project boxes and usually start them when they hit critical mass or tie in with a particular mood or event such as my Necromunda Brat gang which I had been slowly adding too over several year and finally had enough to field a whole gang for BOYL.
One of the long term boxes is for a Tzeentch chaos warband, very much a Realm of Chaos creation but with a AOS28 edge.
After picking up a couple of Marauder chaos dwarfs in a recent job lot I added them to the box and realised it had reached a point to start some time ago

Amongst the collection are Tzeentch Deamons and Horrors, Chaos marauders and hounds, Beastmen, Familiars and the Regiment of Renown, The Disciples of the Red Redemption as well as figures from the Pantheon of Chaos Kickstarter.

My aim for the warband is to draw inspiration from the Realms of Chaos books and also AOS28, a more GrimDark vision of the Age of Sigmar.  A focus on each figure with each one being converted. This will be an opportunity for me to stretch my converting and Green Stuff skills and painting.

The first choice is one of the marauder Dwarfs which I have reshaped his helmet to cover his face and added a pair of antlers from the Sylvaneth Tree-revenant box. He will also have one of the shields from the Pantheon of Chaos.

With quite a blocky figure i didn't want to do too much and over do it but rather let the paintwork be the focus.

My idea was to go with a pale bone armour and have echoes of a Pink Horror but with elements of blue to keep it more Tzeentch rather than Slaanesh. 


  1. Simple conversion but it really changes the figure! Luv that paint job as well. Very nice stuff you got going on here. ;)

    1. Thanks, the horns gave a nice reflection to the original set and added some more height and Tzeentchian air.

  2. Creepy as hell, very good job!
