Saturday 18 January 2020

Bloodbath.The Engineers of Osrim Chardz. P1

Still full of New Years vigour which has been incentivised by joining a painting challenge on the Oldhammer Community Facebook Group I have made a start on the next Bloodbath at Orcs' Drift Command Sheet.

Several of the dwarves had been partly been painted from the last time and were rebased and all given the new livery.

Repainted dwarves. The third in is an old Imperial dwarf and had lost his hammer so it was replaced with a plastic one from an Empire sprue.

the second five are a Middlehammer set of miners which fitted in with the Engineering theme of the unit.

I added two more dwarves to the table as they were both in desperate need of paint and meant pretty much all of the dwarves I own will be painted the same 

Full unit and only Osrim himself left to do...

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