The Mantis Warriors had halted their retreat and dug in around a munitions depot. In desperation they had abandoned movement and flexibility that played to their Chapters skills in exchange for safety and a chance to survive.They had chosen well, It’s wall were thick and has been built to endure fire from without or an explosion from within. It would need more firepower than the Fire Hawks that harried them carried.
But the Fire Hawks were not alone and as their forward units encircled the position, armoured drop pods were already burning their way down from low orbit deployment. A hammer was needed to break the Mantis Legion and Warden Tyrak would be that bright strike and lay open the way.
Chapter Vs Legion. Anonymous memoirs of the Badab War
February started as a short month, but with various commitments I knew that I had even less time for painting so it ended up a quite a mismash but ended up enough.